Unlock Business Success: 3 Essential Live Streaming Strategies!

The top three ways that businesses can leverage live streaming to boost their success coming up next!


Traditionally, companies have used in-person events, giveaways, traditional advertising, and social media influencers to promote their products. However, there's a new form of advertising that has its roots in the oldest form of publicity: word of mouth. When your clients speak positively about your products, it's the ultimate form of advertisement.

So, how does this relate to live streaming? Every company should have a "word of mouth" mindset behind their marketing strategy. We encourage you to build a community where fans of your products can gather and talk about their experiences. Guests who use your products could come on the show and have a conversation around your products. Customers who aren't as familiar with your products could ask questions and get better insight from the customers already using your product.

You can also get valuable feedback from your customers on what to focus on next for your products. This is ultimately using live streaming as a community building tool, leveraging word of mouth to better advertise to potential customers. This is counter to traditional advertisements that try to hit people over the head with their products. A community is much more powerful.

Internal Communication

Next, let's talk about internal communication. Live streaming can also be used as a powerful tool for internal communication within a company. This is especially important in today's remote work environment, where employees may be spread out across different locations and time zones. Live streaming can be used to hold company-wide meetings, training sessions, and presentations, allowing employees to participate and engage with each other in real-time. It can also be used to provide updates on important company news and events, ensuring that everyone is kept in the loop and on the same page.

In addition, live streaming can be used to facilitate communication between different departments within a company. For example, a marketing team could use live streaming to share their latest campaign ideas with the sales team, who could provide valuable feedback and insights. This can lead to more effective collaboration and better alignment between different teams, ultimately leading to better overall performance for the company.

Finally, live streaming can also be used to provide employee training and development opportunities. By live streaming training sessions or workshops, companies can provide their employees with valuable learning opportunities that they can access from anywhere. This can help to improve employee skills and knowledge, leading to better job performance and increased productivity.


Finally, let's discuss archiving an event. One of the lesser-known benefits of live streaming an event is the ability to create an archive of the event that can be used later. This archive can be used as a reference tool for attendees who may want to review the content or for those who were unable to attend the event live. Additionally, companies can use this archive to create bite-sized pieces of content that can be consumed over time. This is particularly useful for companies that want to continue promoting the event or for those who want to share the content with a wider audience.

By breaking up the event into smaller, more digestible pieces of content, companies can create a library of content that can be used for future marketing or advertising campaigns. This content can be used to showcase the highlights of the event, as well as provide in-depth coverage of certain topics or segments. This is a great way to keep the momentum of the event going long after it has ended.

Moreover, archiving an event through live streaming allows for more accurate record-keeping. It provides a verifiable record of what was said, by whom, and when, which can be particularly useful in the case of legal disputes or for companies that need to maintain records for regulatory compliance. It also provides a way to track attendance and engagement metrics, which can be used to better understand the impact of the event and to make improvements for future events.

Bonus Tip - Visual interest

One way to make your video content more engaging is to add movement to your camera. This can increase the production value of your content and make it more interesting to viewers. By incorporating camera movement, you can add a new dimension to your video and enhance the story you're telling. For example, you could incorporate panning shots to show a wider view of the scene, or use tracking shots to follow a subject as they move. These techniques can help to keep viewers interested and engaged throughout your video.

Additionally, camera movement can help to create a sense of movement and energy, which can be especially effective in action-packed or fast-paced scenes. So if you're looking to take your video content to the next level, consider incorporating camera movement to enhance the production value and make your content more engaging for your audience.

Live video streaming can provide a plethora of benefits to businesses. By leveraging it for outreach, internal communication, and archiving special events, companies can create a community of loyal customers, improve collaboration and alignment between different departments, and create a valuable library of content for future marketing and advertising campaigns. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of live streaming today!

Check out our “live stream basics” playlist if you’d like to learn more about live streaming, and please feel free to reach out if you’re looking for a live streaming vendor to help elevate your communication. Thanks for checking this out!