When You Should Not Hire Corporate Streams

Are you considering hiring Corporate Streams for your next event? While Corporate Streams is a reputable and reliable company, there are certain situations where we may not be the best fit for your needs.

Low Stakes

If the project you're working on is not particularly high stakes, and doesn't require the level of professionalism and expertise that Corporate Streams provides, then it may be unnecessary to hire our services. Corporate Streams is known for its high-quality and reliable services, but if the project is low-stakes, it may not justify the cost and resources required for our involvement. In such cases, you may want to consider independent freelancers or utilizing your internal team. It's important to evaluate the needs of your project and determine whether the investment in Corporate Streams is justified based on the level of expertise and quality required.

Large Internal Team

If you have a large internal communications team with technical expertise in professional audio, video, lighting, live streaming, and experience in managing live events, you may not require the services of Corporate Streams. Our offerings are specifically designed to provide professional services to clients lacking the necessary technical skills and resources to execute certain projects on their own. If your team is capable of handling these tasks internally, hiring Corporate Streams may not be necessary. You may also need to consider your internal team’s workload and if they have the capacity to handle your stream.


Return on investment (ROI) is an important factor to consider when evaluating the success of a live stream event. If the event does not generate a high enough ROI, it may not justify the resources and expenses involved in organizing and live streaming it. It is crucial to carefully analyze the potential financial benefits and costs associated with the event, including production expenses, marketing efforts, and potential revenue streams. By conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis, you can make an informed decision about whether the event is worth pursuing from a financial perspective.

Very Limited Budget

If you have a very limited budget, Corporate Streams may not be the best option for you. While we pride ourselves on providing high-quality, professional services, which often come at a premium price, there may be other companies in the market that offer services at a lower cost.

Multiple Countries

If you have events in multiple countries or several events taking place simultaneously, Corporate Streams may not be the best fit for you. While we have experience with international events, managing multiple events and multiple international locations at once may strain our resources and impact the quality of our services. In such cases, you may want to consider other companies that specialize in managing multiple events in different locations.

Primary Market

Corporate Streams may not be suitable for locations outside our primary or secondary markets due to additional travel costs. Our primary market is Southern California, which includes cities in and around Los Angeles, San Diego, and Santa Barbara. We also operate in 25 other cities nationwide, including major areas like New York City, Chicago, and Las Vegas, as well as smaller cities with growing economies. For clients located outside Southern California, there may be travel expenses depending on the distance and timing. These expenses cover flights, hotel accommodations, and gas. We make efforts to minimize these costs and provide transparent pricing to our clients.

Freelancer Preferred

If you prefer to work with an individual instead of a company, then Corporate Streams may not be the best fit for you. As a small business with an established team, Corporate Streams has many employees and works as a team. While this can be beneficial for some projects, it may not provide the level of intimacy that some clients prefer.

Bonus Tip

If you are still not sure if you’d like to try and handle the event yourself of hire a vendor like Corporate Streams, don’t be afraid to book a free 20 minute consultation meeting. This will allow you to ask specific questions about your event and allow the production to highlight the differences between what we can offer verses the DIY version.


In conclusion, while Corporate Streams is a reputable and reliable company, there are certain situations where it may not be the best fit for your needs. If you are working with a very limited budget, looking for a company that specializes in a specific area, or prefer to work with a freelancer, then Corporate Streams may not be the best fit for you.

Remember, the decision to hire any company, including Corporate Streams, should be based on a thorough evaluation of your project's specific requirements, budget, and desired outcomes. It's always beneficial to explore multiple options and consider the pros and cons of each before making a final decision.