Say Goodbye to These 10 Common Streaming Mistakes

Live streaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly with the rise of platforms like YouTube and Twitch. However, even experienced streamers can make mistakes that can negatively impact the quality of their streams. In this blog, we'll cover the 10 most common mistakes made in live streaming, and how to avoid them.

Poor Planning

Live streaming requires planning, just like any other content creation. Without a plan, your stream may lack direction or feel disjointed. To avoid this mistake, plan your stream in advance, including your topic, format, and any special guests or segments.

Poor Internet Connection

One of the most important factors in successful live streaming is having a strong and stable internet connection. Without it, your stream may suffer from buffering, lagging, or even dropouts. To avoid this mistake, make sure to use a wired connection and test your internet speed before going live.

Clear Audio

Clear audio is just as important as clear video in live streaming. If your viewers can't hear what you're saying, they'll quickly lose interest. To avoid this mistake, invest in a good microphone and make sure to test your audio levels before going live.


Proper lighting is essential for a high-quality stream. Poor lighting can make your streams look grainy, dark, or unprofessional. To avoid this mistake, invest in good lighting equipment and make sure to test it before going live.


Live streaming is all about engaging with your audience. If you're just talking to yourself, your viewers will quickly lose interest. To avoid this mistake, make sure to interact with your viewers by responding to comments and questions.

Lack of Consistency

Consistency is key in building an audience for live streaming. If you're not consistent with your streaming schedule, your viewers may lose interest. To avoid this mistake, create a regular streaming schedule and stick to it.


Your background can impact the quality of your stream. A cluttered or unprofessional background can be distracting to viewers. To avoid this mistake, make sure to clean up your background or invest in a professional-looking background setup.

Technical Difficulties

Technical difficulties can happen to even the most experienced streamers. However, they can be frustrating for viewers and can impact the quality of your stream. To avoid this mistake, make sure to test your equipment before going live and have a backup plan in case of technical issues.

Not Promoting Your Stream

If you don't promote your stream, your viewership may suffer. To avoid this mistake, make sure to promote your stream on social media, forums, and other relevant platforms.


You may have wondered why the camera you use is the last item mentioned. This is because cameras are just one part of the whole and often receive too much attention compared to the other nine things mentioned in this video. Before spending money on your camera, make sure you address the other aspects to have a well-rounded setup.

We made a whole video on choosing the best live streaming camera, but you should look for a camera with a larger sensor, quality lens, AC power, overheat protection, and 1080p video output.

Bonus Tip- Feedback

Finally, ignoring feedback from your viewers can be a critical mistake in live streaming. Your viewers can provide valuable insights into what they like and don't like about your stream. To avoid this mistake, make sure to listen to feedback and make adjustments accordingly.

That's it for our list of the 10 most common mistakes made in live streaming! By avoiding these mistakes, you can improve the quality of your streams and build a loyal audience. Thanks for reading, and happy streaming!