7 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Platform for Your Live Streaming Event

Are you planning to host a live streaming event but not sure which platform to use? With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog, we will provide you with 7 tips to help you select the perfect platform for your live streaming event.

Audience and Goals

The first tip is to determine your target audience and the goals of your event. This is crucial because different platforms cater to different audiences and offer various features that align with specific goals. For example, if you are targeting a younger audience, then platforms like Twitch or Instagram Live might be more suitable. If you want to host a professional event, then platforms like Zoom or Webex might be a better choice. It is essential to understand your audience's preferences and expectations and align them with your event goals to choose the right platform.

Consider the platform's features

The second tip is to consider the features that each platform offers. It is essential to choose a platform that offers the features that align with your goals and audience. Some platforms provide better streaming quality, while others offer more interactive features, such as chat rooms or Q&A sessions. While some platforms offer screen sharing capabilities, others may allow for multiple hosts or guests to join the live stream. Understanding the features that each platform offers will help you choose the one that is most suitable for your event.


The third tip is to look at the pricing of each platform. It is essential to determine your budget and choose a platform that aligns with your financial constraints. Some platforms offer free services, while others require a subscription fee or charge per event. It is essential to understand the pricing structure of each platform and compare them to select the one that offers the best value for your money.

Security Measures

The fourth tip is to research the platform's security measures. It is crucial to ensure that the platform you choose provides adequate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to your event. This is especially crucial if you are hosting a private event. Some platforms offer end-to-end encryption, while others allow you to password-protect your live stream. It is essential to choose a platform that offers robust security measures to protect your event and audience.


The fifth and final tip is to test the platform before the event. It is essential to test the platform's streaming quality, features, and security measures before the event to avoid any technical difficulties during the live stream. This will help you identify any potential issues and fix them before the actual event. You can test the platform by hosting a test event or by inviting a few guests to join a trial run.

Public vs Private

Now that we have discussed what to look for, let's examine how these platforms compare. We can categorize platforms into two broad categories: private and public.

Private platforms are usually used for internal communications or for a specific group of people. They are not meant for everyone to join and watch the event. Typically, they are designed for shareholders of the event or message being broadcasted.

On the other hand, public streams are designed to reach a wide audience and aim to reach as many people as possible. This is particularly beneficial when introducing a new product or trying to capture the public's attention and focus it on a specific product or call to action.

We’ll go through public and private platforms in a separate video on our channel, but for now let’s lets compare the some of the top companies for each.

Comparing Public Platforms

Public streaming platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and Instagram are popular for live streaming events to reach a wide audience. Each platform offers unique features.

YouTube is a large video-sharing platform, ideal for events that need maximum exposure. It provides high-quality streaming, a wide audience reach, and analytics for tracking engagement. YouTube also offers live chat, monetization options, and the ability to schedule and promote streams. It's also the 2nd largest search engine, allowing for more discoverability.

Facebook Live allows users to stream live video from their profiles, pages, or groups. It has a large user base, making it effective for reaching and engaging existing followers. Facebook Live offers interactive features like real-time comments, reactions, and event scheduling. It also provides post-stream analytics.

Twitch is primarily focused on live streaming video games but has expanded to include other content. It's suitable for events targeting a gaming or tech-savvy audience. Twitch offers chat integration, channel subscriptions, emotes, and monetization options.

Instagram Live allows users to stream live video within the Instagram app. It's great for engaging with an existing Instagram following. Instagram Live offers real-time comments, reactions, and the ability to save the live stream as a story.

Consider factors like audience demographics, desired engagement level, and event goals when comparing these platforms. YouTube and Facebook have broader audience reach, while Twitch and Instagram focus on specific niches. Each platform has its own community and culture, so understanding your target audience's preferences will help you make an informed decision.

Remember to choose a platform that aligns with your goals and target audience for a successful live streaming experience.

Comparing Private Platforms

Private streaming platforms like Hopin, Dacast, Zoom, Vimeo, and Notified offer exclusive and controlled live streaming for specific audiences. These platforms are designed for internal communications or events targeting select groups rather than the general public.

Hopin is a virtual events platform with features like private breakout rooms, networking, and interactive sessions. It is suitable for corporate meetings, conferences, and webinars.

Dacast is a professional live streaming platform with secure options like password protection, domain restrictions, and pay-per-view. It is commonly used for corporate training, internal communications, and pay-per-view events.

Zoom, known for video conferencing, also offers private live streaming with secure features like password protection and waiting rooms. It is popular for company meetings, virtual classrooms, and private webinars.

Vimeo is a popular private streaming platform with professional features like password protection, domain restrictions, and pay-per-view. It is widely used for hosting private events, internal communications, and exclusive webinars.

Notified specializes in internal communications and employee engagement, allowing private live streams for sharing announcements, updates, and training materials exclusively with employees. It offers features like real-time chat, analytics, and integrations with other communication tools.

Consider factors such as interactivity, security, scalability, and ease of use when comparing these platforms. Hopin is comprehensive, Dacast offers monetization, Zoom has video conferencing capabilities, and Notified focuses on internal communications. Choose the ideal platform based on your organization's needs.


Multicasting is a powerful technique that allows you to broadcast your live streaming event to multiple platforms simultaneously, maximizing your reach and engagement. By utilizing multicasting, you can leverage the strengths of different platforms and tap into their respective audiences. Many private streaming platforms also offer the option to multicast your live stream to other public platforms, expanding your reach even further. This means that while hosting your event on a private platform, you can still connect with viewers on popular public platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, or Instagram. Multicasting enables you to reach a wider audience, increase brand visibility, and ensure that your live streaming event reaches as many people as possible.

So there you have it, our 7 tips for choosing the perfect platform for a live streaming event. Determine the target audience and event goals, consider the platform's features, evaluate pricing options, research security measures, test the platform before the event, and decide between public or private platforms.Multicasting is a great tool to reach a wider audience and maximize engagement. Overall, by following these tips, readers can select a platform that aligns with their needs and ensures a successful live streaming event.

If you are looking for more great free resources on live streaming, check out corporatestreams.com. We offer various free tools like our Webcast Checklist.