10 Must Track Metrics to Measure the Success of Your Live Stream

How do you measure the success of your live stream? In this video, we'll discuss some key metrics that you can use to evaluate the effectiveness of your live stream.

Lets get into the 9 metrics that you can use to measure success! The first 3 metrics should be ones you’re familiar with, but the next 6 may be new to you!

Number of viewers:

This is a basic metric, but it can give you a good idea of how many people are tuning in to your live stream.


This includes likes, comments, and shares. Engaged viewers are more likely to stick around for the entire live stream, and they're more likely to share your content with others.


Conducting a survey after the broadcast can be a great way to measure success. This can give you valuable feedback on what worked well and what didn't, and can help you make improvements for future broadcasts.

Watch Time:

Another important metric is the amount of time viewers spend watching your live stream. This metric can give you an idea of how engaging your content is and whether or not viewers are sticking around for the majority of your broadcast.

Audience retention:

This metric measures the percentage of viewers who continue watching, and for how long. With this data you can start to see which sections of your video viewers get disinterested in. If your audience retention is low, it could mean that your content is not engaging enough or that your live stream is too long. Consider adjusting your content or format to keep viewers engaged throughout the entire broadcast.

Click-through rate:

This metric primarily pertains to social media streams, but it can also measure the percentage of viewers who click on links or calls to action within your live stream. A high click-through rate indicates that your audience is engaged and interested in your content.

Social media mentions:

Monitoring social media platforms for mentions of your live stream can give you a good idea of how well your content is resonating with your audience.

Chat activity:

Monitoring chat activity during your live stream can help you gauge how engaged your audience is and whether or not they're finding your content valuable. Comparing the number of chat messages to the number of unique participants can give you an idea of how engaged your audience is during your live stream.

Questions and Answers:

A successful live stream will often generate questions and discussion among viewers. This can be a great metric for measuring engagement and interest in your content. Take note of the number of questions asked and answered during your live stream, and consider using this feedback to improve future broadcasts.

Self Goals:

When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your live stream, you can set measurable goals and track your progress towards meeting them. Did you talk about every point clearly? Did you finish on time or close to it? Did you have any technical issues? All these things are little successes you should celebrate!

Set these goals before you live stream and reassure yourself once you’ve ended the stream that you’ve met or exceeded those goals where you did. Commit to yourself that you’ll learn, grow, and iterate for the next stream in areas that weren’t as successful. By consistently iterating on your own expectations, you can build confidence and improve the quality of your content, which can lead to increased engagement and viewership. So, make sure to include self-expectations as a key metric when evaluating the success of your live stream.

Bonus Tip:

Use interactive elements, such as polls or quizzes, to engage your audience during your live stream. This can increase engagement and help you gather valuable feedback from your viewers. Plus, it's a fun way to make your live stream more interactive and engaging for your audience!